What is Visio Divina?


Visio Divina (latin for “divine or sacred seeing") is an ancient form of contemplative prayer in which we allow our heart and imagination to engage an image to see what God might have to say to us. Throughout scripture we see the use of symbols, visions, dreams and metaphors as God draws attention, communicates and reveals.

As with any spiritual practice it is a time to slow down, be still, and trust in the loving gaze of God as he moves and leads. Theresa of Avila describes such contemplative prayer as ‘a gaze of faith that is fixed on Jesus, spending time alone with a good friend’. It is not about striving to “get or receive” but rather adopting a posture and way of being that trusts, dwells, notices, and responds to the love and invitation of God. 

Visio Divina does not require any special knowledge of art nor is it limited to human art forms. It can be practiced in nature or any place where we can be fully present in order to see how Christ is illuminated for us through an image or scene. This discipline helps us to pay attention to colors, textures, forms and overall impressions- including mood. It invites us to be captivated and curious about what draws our gaze, how we find ourselves responding and reacting, and what insights we may sense about ourselves and God’s nature and character.

We do not force or manufacture these responses; we simply notice and allow the image to come alive with personal meaning, trusting that what we encounter is meant just for us at this point in our spiritual journey.

The Movements Of This Practice

Choosing An Image

Visio Divina requires the use of an image or scene. Many people use art and often choose devotional or religious images - although this need not be the case! Any art, or visual surrounding can become a vehicle, it simply needs to be a visual space when you can offer God your undivided time and focus. You may also choose an image that reflects a biblical passage which adds a useful additional focus.


Once you have chosen an image, scene and scripture reading, take a moment to pray and bring yourself towards stillness. Offer to God anything that is weighing on your mind and heart. Allow his loving gaze to become present. If you don't sense this straight away, trust that his eyes are turned towards you. Bring yourself to God with love and openness. Trust him to give you whatever you need in your time together.


When you feel ready, let your eyes gaze on the image that is set before you. Notice the colors, the light and movement, the texture, the figures, objects and place.  What do you see as you examine the whole image?  What draws your attention? 

When you are ready, allow those sights and thoughts to pass by ready to receive your chosen scripture reading.


As you read from scripture, you can either continue to gaze at the image as you read or focus on the words of the text revisiting the image after. 

You may want to imagine yourself in the scene - what do you see? What do you hear, smell, or sense? What draws you attention? What stirs within you? What images, thoughts, impressions and feelings take place within you.


What part of this image is particularly drawing your attention?

What feelings, desires, emotions are stirring in you?

Where are you in this image? 

How does this image speak to your spiritual journey?

Did God show you anything about His nature and character?

Did God show you anything about yourself?

What’s the invitation? 


Take some time to allow for a prayerful response. What is emerging from your time with the image and God. Use your creativity to process and express whatever has come to the surface.


When you have finished your prayerful response, take a moment to rest in God's loving presence.


Return one final time to your time with God. Listen and notice how He has been speaking to you and inviting you. To conclude take an image, a word or phrase that has touched you and allow this to echo throughout the rest of your day.

Take Some Time With This Practice

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