As we journey through life we all need moments or season of additional support. Here you will find a list of organisations and people that may be of help.


National & Community Organisations

Spiritual Directors

If you would like to grow in your faith journey and spiritual life you may want to consider journeying with a Spiritual Director. Spiritual Directors are companions - trained men and women dedicated to guiding people in matters of the soul, faith and God. Ironically this ministry is not “directive” - they won’t tell you what to think, feel or believe. They will, however, ask good questions and create a safe and non judgemental environment for you to explore. Many people seek Spiritual Directors during seasons of transitions, discernment, crisis, deconstruction and questioning - but this is not always the case. They are available to anyone who would like to explore, journey deeper, and integrate your spiritual and life journey.

The Cost?

Some directors will make a charge and others will ask for a donation for each session.

The Commitment?

A commitment to spiritual direction will involve: 

Giving time to your-self, and paying attention to the journey;
Being open to God;
Paying attention to the movements in your life;
Being prepared to change as you discover more about how God is seeking you out;
Meeting with your Director on an agreed, regular basis.

As you look for a Spiritual Director we would encourage you to to try and meet with several directors so that you have a sense of their personality, style of direction, life experience and training. It is important to feel comfortable with your potential companion. Please pray too! Ask God to guide your choice as you discern and then choose.