Storehouse News

Good morning Church family

We have so many new groups joining us on a Friday at the Storehouse Cafe. Do pop along between 9.30am and 2.30pm to see what’s on offer; from our freshly baked cakes and pastries made here at Emmanuel’s Yard or try one of our specialty hot drinks from a TeaPig cuppa, a Mocha, a Latte or a nice iced lemonade.

As always our Foodbank is very busy, and at the moment during these cold months it does seem as though we are seeing many more people. We are always looking for donations and this week we are in need of tinned meat, pies, sandwich spreads, UHT milk and sugar. Also, as halft term is approaching in mid-February we always have a run on squash and snacks for the children. If you can help please leave any donations you may have in the cafe (see the picture below) or drop off in any local supermarket whilst you’re out shopping or come into the Storehouse Tuesday to Friday mornings.

We continue to pray for all the clients that use the Storehouse space and facilities we offer and we ask that you do too.

With blessings to you

Many thanks

Jill Neighbour