What is Breath Prayer?

This prayer and practice is a very simple way of helping us enter into a place of deep rest, trust and surrender in God.

The words are based on Psalm 46:10 of the Hebrew Scriptures.

The Movements of This Practice

1) Find a quiet place, gently close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Prepare to pray the Psalm in 5 consecutively diminishing sentences.

2) Either aloud or quietly to yourself, say the words, “Be still and know that I am God.”

3) After a couple deep breaths, pray, “Be still and know that I am.”

4) After a couple deep breaths, pray “Be still and know.”

5) After a couple deep breaths, pray, “Be still.”

6) After a couple deep breaths, pray, “Be.”

7) When ready, pray, “Amen.”

Take Some Time With This Practice