Life Rhythms & Creating a Rule of Life

What is a Rule of Life?

The phrase “rule of life” has its roots in the early monastic tradition. Although it was made popular by St Benedict in the 6th century, men and women from the early church explored the question of how they could prioritise and structure their lives in such a way that could foster intimate connection with God and meaningful relationship with others and the world in which they lived!

They believed that to grow and mature spiritually, they needed a thoughtful, conscious and intentional plan. They called this plan a ‘rule of life’. The word ‘rule’ comes from the Greek word “trellis”. A trellis is a support structure that upholds a plant and helps it grow to its fullest potential. They believed that just like a fruit bearing plant, human beings also need a degree of structure to flourish and be fruitful. We agree!

John 15:4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you

Jesus teaches his disciples that if they are to grow in their relationship with Him and live a life reflective of their God given nature, character and deepest desires ( ie fruitful), they must learn to ‘remain’ in Him (John 15). By the word remain, Jesus is talking about ‘making their home in him’, getting their life from him, learning to abide or dwell in him. As a disciple of Jesus we are called to embrace this invitation.

What and who is shaping you?

Every person is being shaped - our culture, family dynamics, relationships, opportunities, abilities - the list goes on! We also have conscious or unconscious rhythms and ways of being that shape how we live. Over the years we have developed very sophisticated defense mechanisms, drivers and habits that influence our choices. Those choices impact how we live and who we become. When we talk about ‘cultivating a rule of life’ we are talking about making conscious and intentional choices about adopt specific practices and life rhythms that will help us slow down and make time for God, ourselves and others. We are taking to heart what Jesus teaches about abiding in him by ordering our lives in such a way that we are connected, dependant upon, and residing in his agape love. We live in a very demanding, noisy and overstimulated world and this can pull us in many directions. When we cultivate an intentional way of living, we can learn to stay anchored to our priorities and commitments. A good rule of life can be described as an external framework for an interior life. It can help turn our hopes, dreams and godly desires into reality as we seek to respond to our call to follow Jesus.

A good rule of life is not a transactional or legalistic practice. It does not invite us to earn favour or blessings from God - we live by grace. It is not an external law that we must follow to avoid punishment or imprisonment, nor is it a practice that we develop because of shame, guilt, duty or fear. Rhythms and practices are not dictated by a human authority figure, and a good rule of life is not intended to be rigid or paralysing!  Life is dynamic - our seasons and circumstances change. Our rule of life is to reflect and support this. 

“A good rule can set us free to be our true and best selves. 

It is a working document, a kind of spiritual budget, not carved in stone but subject to regular review and revision. It should support us, but never constrict us.” —Margaret Guenther